What Happens to Your Unused Sick Leave in Retirement?
Here is a summary of what happens to your unused sick leave in retirement.
Here is a summary of what happens to your unused sick leave in retirement.
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act is in effect now. These are some common questions and answers for federal employees surrounding the new law.
House Democrats have unveiled a coronavirus stimulus bill with a number of important provisions for federal employees.
Federal employees have unique benefits to help them save for retirement. The author discusses these as well as some other long-term wealth building advice.
A new law will provide disabled veterans in medical positions at the VA with additional paid leave to seek medical treatment.
Do you know your lucky numbers for retirement? The author lists six important ones for federal employees in their retirement planning.
The White House’s 2019 budget outlined a number of proposed cuts to federal employees’ benefits. How much of an impact would these have on your retirement?
Because unused sick leave is used in the computation of my annuity, will it allow me to receive the 1.1% FERS computation factor?
How is your unused sick leave factored into your annuity calculation? The author clarifies what he says is a frequent misconception among federal employees.
I plan on retiring with 42 years and 7 months of service in Jan 2017. I will have accumulated 2500 hours of sick leave balance at time of retirement. I am in CSRS, so I was wondering what the increase in my annuity, expressed as a percentage, above the 80% value, would be due to credit for sick leave.