TSP Loan
Should You Take a TSP Loan? The Ultimate Guide
Should you take out a TSP loan? These are some important considerations.
TSP Meeting Recap: Adding Non-Federal Employees to TSP and a New Way to Track TSP Loans
TSP investors will now be able to track the status of a TSP loan online. Legislation has been introduced to add non-federal employees into FERS and TSP.
Top 3 Ways to Ruin a Federal Retirement
The author explains the top three ways federal employees can ruin their retirements from her series 10 Easy Ways to Ruin a Federal Retirement.
C Fund Stellar Performance Continues: 26.82% So Far in 2021
TSP plan assets topped $800 billion for the first time in October. The C Fund leads all TSP fund performance so far in 2021.
3 Times It’s OK to Take a TSP Loan
Is it ever a good idea to take a TSP loan? These are 3 occasions when it may make sense to do so.
Taking a Residential Loan From Your TSP
What is a residential TSP loan and how does it work?
Retiring With an Unpaid TSP Loan? Here’s What You Need to Know
How can an outstanding TSP loan impact your retirement?
Federal Guide to TSP Loans
How do TSP loans work? Here is an overview of the process.
Paying Double Taxes on TSP Loans
There are a number of downsides to taking a loan from your TSP account, not the least of which is the potential doubling your tax burden.