Will My Federal Retirement Benefits Be a Meaningful Source of Income for Me?
I entered federal service late in my working life (at age 52). Will my federal retirement benefits be a meaningful source of income for me?
Q&A from FedSmith authors addressing readers’ questions. We share them here to help you with your federal career or retirement planning.
I entered federal service late in my working life (at age 52). Will my federal retirement benefits be a meaningful source of income for me?
I contributed to the Thrift Savings Plan from tax exempt combat zone pay. What will happen when I begin withdrawing money from the TSP?
I’m retiring in a few years and I’m in a long-term relationship, but I’m not married. What are the pros and cons of marrying before or after retirement?
I’ve read about what to do with my TSP after retirement, but I believe all we can do is use common sense and hope that our money will grow and last.
I’m confused about my 35 years of CSRS Offset and Social Security pensions. Can I estimate how much will I get in monthly pensions from both?
Can a law enforcement employee extend working years in a non-law enforcement capacity to become eligible for the 1.1% FERS annuity calculation?
Because unused sick leave is used in the computation of my annuity, will it allow me to receive the 1.1% FERS computation factor?
Readers have asked questions about the reduction in their annuity payments for retired federal law enforcement officers. Here is OPM’s response.
I’ve heard that there are two different computation factors that are used in computing the FERS annuity; 1% and 1.1%. What’s the difference between them?
Does the locality pay raise percentage cited for 2018 include the basic pay raise of 1.4%?