Layers of Problems Drive Morale Issues at the Department of Homeland Security
What drives morale in an agency? The author analyzes the situation at DHS.
What drives morale in an agency? The author analyzes the situation at DHS.
Are you using 360 feedback constructively? The author explains a better way to utilize it.
OPM has issued a proposed rule to enable faster removal of federal employees in different situations.
Reprimands are as old as federal HR itself. The author proposes some changes that could bring the disciplinary process into the 21st century.
Recent events beg the question of whether or not the civil service can be broken. The author provides a detailed analysis.
How much do disciplinary procedures cost the government? The author explores the question.
The author says that federal HR managers often focus more on technical skills rather than soft skills when hiring which is a mistake.
The author recounts his love for his federal career while also addressing challenges that federal employees face.
A new analysis of data at VA medical centers finds that there is a direct link between employee morale and the quality of patient care.
OPM has issued guidance for agencies on maintaining accurate personnel files consistent with the requirements of an Executive Order issued in May.