Was His FERS Annuity Lost Due to Forged Signature?
A retired USPS employee tried to win a FERS annuity from OPM, claiming his ex-wife had forged his signature on a crucial document that led to denial of the annuity.
A retired USPS employee tried to win a FERS annuity from OPM, claiming his ex-wife had forged his signature on a crucial document that led to denial of the annuity.
What types of annuities are there? Are they good or bad?
Rising inflation has produced a modest COLA for next year. When can federal retirees expect to see the increase in their annuity payments?
Are federal employee pensions subject to revocation if the employee is a convicted child molester? Usually not. A bill in Congress seeks to change this system.
Will a government shutdown interrupt annuity payments for retired federal employees?
This is an overview of how interim annuity payments work during the retirement application process for federal employees.
These are warning signs to look for to avoid insurance product sales at retirement seminars.
These are 3 things federal employees should check for accuracy on their pension estimates.
These are some tips on how federal employees can increase their FERS pension in retirement.
Is it worth it for federal employees to wait until a later age to retire?