Adding Federal Pay and Benefits for ATF Employees by Falsifying Job Classifications
As a result of a whistleblower revelation, ATF was found to have paid tens of millions to employees by improperly classifying their jobs.
Federal HR news topics include federal employee unions, labor relations, bargaining, pay/leave and benefits.
As a result of a whistleblower revelation, ATF was found to have paid tens of millions to employees by improperly classifying their jobs.
If federal employees don’t get the assistance they need from their unions, do they have other options?
OPM is removing the COVID governmentwide operating status soon. Will this end telework?
New OMB guidance directs agencies to scale back telework for federal employees. Will it actually happen this time?
This is an overview of the required steps of the EEO complaint process for federal employees.
OMB is seeking to expand racial categories used for affirmative action and other government benefits. Is this approach and racial division beneficial for America?
OPM has announced that the 2023 Federal Employee Viewpoint survey will be distributed in May.
OPM has issued new guidance on gender identity to help federal employees and agencies comply with the president’s latest issuances.
What constitutes workplace bullying? These are some basic criteria and examples.
Effectively using your annual leave requires knowing what the rules are in the federal HR system. Advance planning is essential.