You Might Be A Bureaucrat If….

The author says that the term “bureaucrat” is one of those words that can be used as a slur, an epithet, and/or an insult, but it can also be used to praise someone who understands how government works and uses that knowledge to make it work better. Bearing the latter use in mind, he has made a list of ways federal employees can test to see if they are true “bureaucrats.”

Should We Beat On OPM Again? Nope.

The author says that when the Metro system shut down in Washington, DC this week, OPM was faced with a difficult, and ultimately thankless, decision. He says the agency made the right call and examines the various options OPM was faced with and why he believes it was the right choice.

What Can We Learn From The 2015 Employee Viewpoint Survey?

The 2015 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey results were recently released by the Office of Personnel Management. The author notes that agency leaders take the survey results seriously, even if employees find it hard to draw relationships between the survey results and agency responses. He highlights the highest and lowest positive scores across the six main categories of questions from the survey.